Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry Christmas
This is just a sampling of the fun and the mess left in it's wake!
I am so grateful to have been with my whole family this year. My kids, my sons-in-law, and, of course, grandbabies, are just a wonderful group of people.
I love them all!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Cover me
While driving to Idyllwild, I was taken aback to see the amount of devastation that the recent fires had caused.
What was once beautiful, lush, tree covered terrain was now barren wasteland.
It was a sad sight to see.
I continued on, seeing more of the black, charred earth and dead, spindly twigs- remnants of what was once beautiful, rich green and red manzanita bushes, grasses and forests of oak and pine trees.
And then I rounded another corner. Below is a melted version of what I saw, as I thought to take the picture with my new cell phone the next day. But I hit a hillside like this, which, although still scorched and stripped of it's trees and former beauty, was transformed by a blanket of sparkling newfallen snow. Wow! I thought, it's amazing the way snow can change everything. It turned burnt ashes into a thing of wonder! The dead, black twigs were now sparkling, shining white whisps against a clear, blue sky.
It was all covered!
I thought about how the earth was going to soak up the water and the new life would come, about how I learned in Geology that the burnt ashes of the fires actually helped to enrich the soil, causing new, healthy trees and plants to grow.
And it struck me how very much like our God this whole thing was. He who brings beauty out of ashes. He who covers us when we've been devastated by life's disaster. He who washes away our sins, making us whiter than snow, by the power of His sinless death.
He is the one who can transform, change, bring good out of evil, and most of all- by some miracle that He displays again and again in all of creation; He, and He alone, can bring life out of death.
No wonder the angels ripped open the sky the night He was born, and proclaimed the Good News, Glory to God in the Highest and on earth, Peace to men of good will.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
'I'm Off!!
I get to see my grandkids tomorrow. I talked to Bowden on the phone and the percentage of stuff that I actually understand of what he's saying is increasing, maybe up to 50% right now. Somehow I understand almost everything in person, amazing what visuals and context can do in communicating with preschoolers.
In about 6 months the number of grandchildren I have will be doubled! That's exciting!
Merry Christmas anyone who reads this.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Shout for joy!
Bowden looked at me and commented, "Daddy is wierd." and kept playing. Later, when his dad came by and asked Bowden what he thought of the game, the little diplomat amended it, "They are weally wierd!" and Daddy and son bonded over that thought.
I have also heard Josh shout for joy- the purest time, when we were all shouting, was at the birth of his two children. (His was actually more like laughter) That was real joy! That was a moment when noone seemed to mind the volume and the exuberance.
I've been reading through Psalms lately and the scripture that has jumped out at me is "Shout for joy." Anyone who knows me knows that that could be a very dangerous thing for me to latch onto. I am LOUD- many say TOO LOUD. So God, what are you thinking, telling ME to shout for joy? And really, since in the assembly, during praise, I sometimes find myself being the shouter, slipping out with exuberance, do I really NEED that message? You should be telling me to keep it down, like most other, sane people do.
So, feeling that this command is really going to set me up to be a fool, I am looking for more scriptures for it. Guess what? They abound. I even found mountains and trees clapping their hands. Okay, just a metaphor, but a metaphor for what?
The picture that came to mind as I tried to "Prove scripturally" that there might be a place for shouting in all of this- was the Triumphal Entry.
When the Pharisees said that Jesus should tell the children to stop the shouting, his response was, "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." It was ordained for that entry to be accompanied by shouting. It was a precourser to the work at Calvary- the purchase of our souls, and the shaking that came, the great awakening that came, the birth of the Church that came .
There is a king riding in with His kingdom, ready to release a fresh flow of anointing, of revival, of people- coming to the saving knowledge of His greatness. And it might not look - no it won't look like it did before- in part, because His chosen vessels, especially the youth- don't look like they did before. And he uses these individuals and their individual personalities, giftings, and language to reach their peers.
I am excited, as I give myself to say "Yes, God." for the breakthroughs that will come, in my own soul, and in the lives of others. Earthquakes are loud, and there is a shifting in the spirit. Can you sense it, somethings rising?
There is, as at Jerico, a time to walk and be silent. There is a time to wait. But there is also, as at Jerico, a time to proclaim, to shout, (or maybe for some, to just whisper) but it was in that time that the walls came down.
May I be one who helps bring down walls, who ushers in God's rule, on earth as it is in heaven.
Monday, November 13, 2006
In the presence of my enemies
She spoke on Psalms 23.
She brought up a woman, sat her in a chair and used her as a visual of sitting in the presence of your enemy. She directed her (and us) to just think of someone: family, social, or work- that irks you, that you don't want to see, that gets your goad. That person (or persons) has just walked in and is looking at you. Then picture Jesus. Standing behind you, serving you,his hand on your shoulder, checking to see how you're doing, pouring your drink, pouring out His love, His favor, in front of this person. Letting them see how much He loves you. How much he provides, honors, cares for you. And keep drinking out of the cup that He keeps filling for you- in front of those enemies. And let that love, that acceptance, sink in, and permeate you. And eventually, allowing it to overflow and to love that enemy as well.
I love it. She uses little "breath prayers", Like, "Maybe the Lord really is my shepherd. Maybe I do have all I need." She said it's a great prayer to pray before going shopping.
And for when things are just plain going "wrong"
I got some prayer the next day. I was reminded by someone of something the Lord had taught me a few years back. That He is filling my cup, but that He doesn't stand outside of me. The image she got for me was one of a living well, deep within, and that I access that living water and let it well up to quench my thirst and to empower me to serve and share with others. I knew what He was saying. I believe that well is accessed by praise.
It's time to do battle against the negativity in my life with the sword of praise. Praise lifts heaviness. ushers in the presence of God and turns the Valleys of Baca(bitterness or weeping) into pools of life.
"Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, Who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs;
The autumn (latter) rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion." Psalm 84:4
Thanks to Bill Johnson (different Johnson) for that great lesson.
So there you have it.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Give Thanks Always!
So many who care and share our hopes and dreams; our love. It all sounds so flowery or trite until you've experienced it. Then you know you're not alone. Then you know that your kids are not alone. Then you know what love ,support, and the answered, ongoing prayers of family and friends is all about. At least a piece of it.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
What a nice thing to do! How such a little, nice thing like that can cause such a warming effect!
Thank God for friends and family who care enough to make a pie!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sarah beats the Band!
Sarah is always one step ahead of the planning game. Her hard work on this wedding and constant persevering, ordering, making gorgeous centerpieces, coordinated and tasteful decorations, and great food ideas really beat the Band!
And all of this while keeping up with the messes, needs, and just plain busyness of two little ones. All of this while being sick! Sarah is really a good sport about a horrendous amount of work. Her love shows through in all her hard work and special touches.
Sarah, you really do beat the band!
I keep saying that phrase. I hope it means what I think it means. (Princess Bride adaptation of INCONCIEVABLE!)
Seriously, I can't even concieve of me putting together such a special reception for Rosie and Justin. It's very impressive to me!
Sarah, I love and appreciate you more than I could express!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Give Thanks Always!
Finally, I got my password right/ really it was my username.
I am in a fatigue fog. Don't know why I'm even blogging, but what a perfect word for how I feel.
I'm in the teacher's day-after-back-to-school-night fog. Teachers know it well. We all dragged ourselves through the hallways, halfheartedly mumbling comments about our little ones "walking nicely" or "turn around and face forward."
When Jonathan reported being choked on the yard, it was all I could do to muster up the appropriate response to deal with the (3 sided, it ended up) issue, instead of saying, "You're still alive, aren't you? So sit down and let me plug in a movie!)
Ohhh, the tetetmpatoin. I'm too tired to correct that!]
But thanks to all who prayed, it really went well, and I think I was once again coherant and able to relay tons of important info that will affect the whole year.
Good night all!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Ode to new sons, or, pray specifics,it works
New roomies, and I am soooo blessed by them. My daughter and her new husband, and yes, the new baby growing in Rosie's womb. The thought of it just brings me so much joy!!
It is such a blessing to have such fine people be the parents of your grandchildren. It is overwhelmingly GOOD! I have prayed for 27 years and God has come through.
For both of my daughters, not only God's blessing and protection, but then I prayed for Godly men who would respect them and love them. I also prayed for men that would have loving, Christian parents, role models to them of the Father's love. And men who would support my daughters in their being and doing all that God has called them to do, who would be partners with them in serving the Lord. (And visa- versa.)
To get 2 such son-in-laws, well, I just made winning the lottery look like chicken feed!
And the offshoot of that kind of answered prayer is this overriding sense of men who are and will be such great Daddys, to boot!
I thank God for Justin, who I am so enjoying and is such a great help and such a positive influence. And I thank God for Josh, my good and faithful first Son (in-law) I love them both dearly.
I really could go on, but I know I've gotten a bit mushy!
But I am so grateful!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Trip to the San Diego Zoo
We came, we saw, we conquered!
The animals were magnificent, the weather was superb, the food was good overall,a nd we even had live entertainment which Lucy and I liked to bounce our heads to, and Bowden consented to a dance. (Being twirled around is always appealing to a 3 year old.)
WE had a lot of fun. Sarah, Rosie, Bowden, baby Lucy, and I were all over that zoo. And up for more the next day. Lucy ruled the 1st night, we all rued it. Poor baby, with her light sleep and constant wheeze, her impassioned cry of misery. The miracle of it is that when I awaken the next morning at 7AM, she is all smiles and ready to go. Sarah is amazing, being the one taking care of baby all night, up for the day at 5, and so excited to go when we finally rouse ourselves. Even the trip to Target for some needed items was fun, thanks to her. And my impatience to get going was forgiven by my girls as we waited here and there. Bowden's excitement was contagious, in the midst of it all.
I have much to be grateful for. I feel, however,as I read my last post, that I got carried away with the "Fluctuations of life's light" and sometimes lost my spiritual moorings. Somewhat like little Bowden, who, in his excitement to see so many amazing sites in this wonderland, would wander off.
Maybe we can all thank God that He is always watching us. That even when life, whether in trials or in it's joys, blurs our focus, God's eye is clear, and His angels are there.
Not that I want to cop out and not do my part. But thank God our Daddy understands. And that He refocuses us, redirects us, and so often, just blesses us anyway!
In the midst of it all.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Your Light has come...
It's time to walk it out; to access the light, to dip into the pools of living water from deep within my being.
Jesus (John 1:14) said, "Indeed, the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water, welling up to eternal life."
But then, as I read on further in Isaiah 60, a new Word came to me! This is one that describes heaven, but suddenly spoke of something of heaven coming down to earth for me now. As Jesus directed us to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven." And His proclamation that the Kingdom is upon us.
This Word is hard to receive in it's fullness, for violence is heard all around us, but there is a promise, one that all creation travails for. (Rom. 8:18)
That word is this: " No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders,but you will call your walls Salvation, and your gates, Praise. The sun will not be yhour light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you (that is not the light that God it referring to in the first verse- the new light that has come) for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory" Isaiah 60:18
This light, this glory, is the glory that transcends all pain and suffering; all the darkness of the world.
It's the glory that rose up in Watchman Nee in his prison cell in China, that would enable him to lift his arms in praise to God after being cruelly tortured.
It's the glory that filled the prison where Paul lay beaten and bruised in the night, the glory ushered in on the wings of His praises, that broke the chains and set him free.
It's the glory that burst out of the grave, the glory of the cross that shines eternally- giving hope to the hopeless, forgiveness to the condemned, and redemption and healing to the broken.
It's the seeing in the dark. It's the flower that pushes it's delicate way up through the cracks in the hardened, man-made cement.
It's the light that I access in the hidden garden of His presence. In the darkness of my prayer closet.
In the midst of it.
Come Lord Jesus, bring Your light and let me live in it. In your kingdom, rather than being ruled by the fluctuations of earth's light. Thank you for hope.
Funny thing happened today. I wrote this in the morning. In the evening, I got an email. In it was an exortation to move into the new things that God has for you. The scripture they gave was, you guessed it:
"Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." In it they said that the Lord promises that if we will get up and move into Him, that He will shine on us.
Col. 1:13 "For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption,the forgiveness of sins."
I want to move into that Kingdom. How about you?
Monday, August 07, 2006
A nice back yard
But really, I think, what makes it so beautiful are the trees. Two giant somethings, spreading around, my fig tree is proudly waving it's big, beautiful leaves and dipping it's arms down to give me fruit. And the Mulberry- with it's branches full and spreading out over the lawn. It did what we wanted it to do.
I need to have a backyard party.
Anybody want to come? The birds have come already. We even have some of our urban parrots coming to visit. They have already started the party.
And, of course, God is there. In my backyard garden.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thanks to Rosie
Now, since thanks to Rosie is my title, I'd like to say that I appreciate my daughter so much! She is gracious and giving and fun to be around. She is independent, yet social, and has a wonderful heart.
She is one of the joys of my life.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Bittersweet Endings
Too tired to produce coherancy.
I want to go swimming in His love. God,. I feel like I whittle away my time on reading mail, chasing rabbits online, tidbits of news, forwards with no meaning, shows on TV with no substance. And then, when Im too tired to think, I want to go to bed. Alas, too tired to pray, too tired to dwell, to wait, to receive times of refreshing from the hand of the Lord.
I guess it's why I need to seek Him early in the morning. When I'm fresh. Before the rabbit chases of life lead me astray. So easily distracted am I. And so very tired!
Friday, June 16, 2006
The pools of His purposes
Sarah, you inspire me.
To be in the pools of God's purposes.... What does that mean?
What do you think it might mean. It's now something that, though I felt I completely understood when I first read it, I will now ruminate and chew on for awhile.
What might it speak to anyone out there?
Are God's purposes like a pool? Can one be submerged in His will? Refreshed in the results of the outpouring and swimming in the flow of His plans for one's life?
What do His purposes look like?
How would one know? Would one know?
I know the dryness of the desert times and the darkness of the valley of the shadow of death. I know the peace of resting under the shadow of His wing. I think I know the joys of swimming in synce with His will, the ultimate love, peace, and joy of having His heart for someone, and seeing Him do something wonderful through me to someone else. Usually in prayer, in answered prayers. But often in the smallest act; the passing on to a little child a word of encouragement that lights up their face and builds up their confidence, the phone call no longer put off to give encouragement to a friend. or the hugging of my little grandbabies and saying "I love you so much." Those are the times when Mother Theresa's saying comes to life, " I can do no great things, only small things with great love. "
By the way, I do agree with the second part of that saying and I think I understand the spirit behind it. Without love our greatest acts are a "clanging gong or a noisy cymbal." But I also hold to the belief that, as Jesus said, "Greater works than (I did) you will do.."
So, Sarah, you were right. I do have something to say.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hi Bloggers!
Okay, I admit it, I'm a Dr. Seuss fan.
And a Kindergarten teacher. And have a corny sense of humor.
Today is my daughter's birthday and I'm thrilled to have her here for it. Both girls and also my 2 adorable grandbabies- Bowden and Lucy. If only the boy were here! (Josh!)
My daughter is now rocking out to her singing birthday card!
God bless you all!