Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sarah beats the Band!

Give Thanks Always!
Sarah is always one step ahead of the planning game. Her hard work on this wedding and constant persevering, ordering, making gorgeous centerpieces, coordinated and tasteful decorations, and great food ideas really beat the Band!
And all of this while keeping up with the messes, needs, and just plain busyness of two little ones. All of this while being sick! Sarah is really a good sport about a horrendous amount of work. Her love shows through in all her hard work and special touches.
Sarah, you really do beat the band!
I keep saying that phrase. I hope it means what I think it means. (Princess Bride adaptation of INCONCIEVABLE!)
Seriously, I can't even concieve of me putting together such a special reception for Rosie and Justin. It's very impressive to me!
Sarah, I love and appreciate you more than I could express!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My grandkids and rosie and I

You might say we're a family of swingers! ILOVE MY FAMILY!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Give Thanks Always!

Hi all,
Finally, I got my password right/ really it was my username.
I am in a fatigue fog. Don't know why I'm even blogging, but what a perfect word for how I feel.
I'm in the teacher's day-after-back-to-school-night fog. Teachers know it well. We all dragged ourselves through the hallways, halfheartedly mumbling comments about our little ones "walking nicely" or "turn around and face forward."
When Jonathan reported being choked on the yard, it was all I could do to muster up the appropriate response to deal with the (3 sided, it ended up) issue, instead of saying, "You're still alive, aren't you? So sit down and let me plug in a movie!)
Ohhh, the tetetmpatoin. I'm too tired to correct that!]
But thanks to all who prayed, it really went well, and I think I was once again coherant and able to relay tons of important info that will affect the whole year.
Good night all!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Ode to new sons, or, pray specifics,it works

So much has happened since I last figured out how to post- I'm riding on the crest of new beginnings all around me.
New roomies, and I am soooo blessed by them. My daughter and her new husband, and yes, the new baby growing in Rosie's womb. The thought of it just brings me so much joy!!
It is such a blessing to have such fine people be the parents of your grandchildren. It is overwhelmingly GOOD! I have prayed for 27 years and God has come through.
For both of my daughters, not only God's blessing and protection, but then I prayed for Godly men who would respect them and love them. I also prayed for men that would have loving, Christian parents, role models to them of the Father's love. And men who would support my daughters in their being and doing all that God has called them to do, who would be partners with them in serving the Lord. (And visa- versa.)
To get 2 such son-in-laws, well, I just made winning the lottery look like chicken feed!
And the offshoot of that kind of answered prayer is this overriding sense of men who are and will be such great Daddys, to boot!
I thank God for Justin, who I am so enjoying and is such a great help and such a positive influence. And I thank God for Josh, my good and faithful first Son (in-law) I love them both dearly.
I really could go on, but I know I've gotten a bit mushy!
But I am so grateful!