Monday, July 14, 2014

Cabbage Rolls Redeemed!!

Last week I took my sorry excuse for cabbage rolls up to my Dad's.  One look at me and he says, "What's the matter?" So I confessed my failure, plopped sorry excuse on the table and slunk to my seat.
What transpired next was one of those transformations in nature- totally predictable to any who know nature, but still always causing me to stop in awe- like the butterfly emerging from the cocoon.
My dad was sympathetic, encouraging  and kind!  I know - he's no monster- but this is a transformation for me who he likes to "help" with his criticisms and - well- stuff.
Anyway, he said the meat was good flavor, even if cabbage not cooked. And then he told how his Italian family would cook it-( only without the rice.)   Lay it in a baking dish, cover it with Mozzarella, and bake.  I'm guessing even the spaghetti sauce brought a flavor of home to him.
Anyway, I did it, using the mixed cheeses I already had, with the leftovers- and added some Parmesan. It turned out delicious- a big hit with all!!!
God can redeem anything, folks- even our worst failures!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

On the perils of cooking stuffed cabbage.

Feeling so frustrated, now 40 minutes past dinner deadline and still the cabbage isn't done!
My now early to go to bed Dad reminded me that it's supposed to be cooked 1st when I told him it'd be late.  The "few minutes" some recipes say would take to soften the cabbage leaves became  25- oh wait- that's because I turned on the wrong burner.
And then it still took too long.  And also- Martha Stewart failed me- just because I didn't have tomato puree. and it just doesn't taste the same at all with spaghetti sauce!

  I could go back in time to where signing a paper in Woodland Hills turned out to take 2 hours and then hitting every red light  ever made in the history of Topanga Cyn. Blvd. or back farther to- whatever!
But Dad and Dave are still waiting for my proudly touted Stuffed Cabbage.
Mental note to self. NEVER try to impress people with a meal that you actually never cooked before!
And so now I will take my  sorry, late dish to my Dad and be prepared for some- this time- well deserved crap.
I'm not saying it's their fault- and this time I can't even blame them!
"You made a mess out of it this time, Ollie!"

And this is how I start back on my "Give Thanks Always" blog?
I should be fired.