Thursday, June 26, 2014

"You just tal-a- all-a--lk- you talk too much."

HI Faithful Readers! - I shout to the empty room.  And deservedly so, as I've been silent for so long.
Feeling a need to start up again, this verse in Ecclesiates is sticking in me-maybe poking at me because I can be so guilty of too much talk.  

         "The more the words, the less the meaning, land how does that profit anyone?"

It actually damages- as I see by bored, glossed over 6 year olds in my class.  I see it  as I listen to someone who just goes on and on and begin to resist the very thing I may have agreed with in the beginning of the conversation. It makes what we say of much less value.

People listen better to people who talk less.

I really don't want to say too much about this- for obvious reasons- but I found this comment on a site and liked it:

"Eccl 6:11 is one of my favorite passages. Not because I am an expert on its meaning in the context, but because it eschews verbosity.
In this case, however - in the vanity book - It is saying that long winded expertise merely confuses and does not clarify. Long winded people are vain and like to hear their own words. There is little value in them.