Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Pine for a Tree

Why all the fuss about Christmas trees? Because of the Joy they bring to little children. ( and to big ones, too)
Because of the creativity and beauty they display.Because of the warm memories that they illicit.
And, if you're like me, because of the precious gifts from years past of my smiling 3, 4, 5 year olds in hand-made ornaments. But also, of the memories of special gifts of love, reminding me that so many more care and of so many more that I will always treasure and care about. Aunt Connie's hand knit Mr. and Mrs. Santa, the Peace Dove given to me by Carol Arsaga, in a gesture of love and support during a difficult time, the angels crafted by my dear high school buddy, Chris. And on and on.

And because it's one more venue in which I can show off my grandchildren!
Mine's not up yet. I miss it.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Great Giving Quotes

These are quotes from Dallas Willard, who quoted Erich Fromm. ( I also threw in quotes from my favorite, God!) We did a study on Renovation of the Heart and were privileged to have the Doctor come and talk with us afterwards.

So, in keeping with Christmas:
" Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness." Eric Fromm.

God is a giver, from the get-go. He gave creation, life, and His Life for us. "For God so love the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son..."John 3:16
Jesus said , "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. " Luke 12:32
"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" Rom. 8:32

And finally, from Dallas himself,
"It is the love of God, admiration and confidence in His greatness and goodness, and the regular experience of His care that free us from the burden of 'looking out for ourselves.'
He goes on to say that, "Self denial in Matthew 6:24 and elsewhere, is always the surrender of a LESSER, dying self for a GREATER, eternal one; the person God intended in creating you.
Confidence in this is the occasion of great rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory."
Jesus does not deny us personal fulfillment, but shows us the only true way to it."
P. 62 in Renovation of the Heart.

Enjoy Christ in Christmas this season. GIVE!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Quote of the Day (or week)

Frederich Buechner put it like this:

The child born in the night among beasts. The sweet breath and steaming dung of beasts. And nothing is ever the same again. ... Nothing is ever the same again for those who believe in God, and nothing is ever the same for those who do not believe in God either.’ [The Hungering Dark.]

Be blessed this Advent. EMBRACE GRACE.

Friday, December 03, 2010

The Problem with the Baby

There was a scene in a movie where Will Farrell prays at meal time to Little Baby Jesus. Will ardently opposes calling Him anything but that. It made me laugh, but in the Christmas season, it began to feel, well, almost sacrilegious. Not that I can't joke around. But something about the lack of awe for God becoming Flesh and dwelling among us can get lost at Christmas. Not just in the world, but in me.
I just received a little Advent devotional and it gave me the words for my discomfort.
It's also my new quote, as Fr. Rohr. nailed it so well!
"Jesus identified his own message with what he called the "reign of God" or the "kingdom of God," whereas we had often settled for the sweet coming of a baby who asked little of us in terms of surrender, encounter, mutuality, or anything of the study of Scriptures....
.Sentimentality, Defined as trumped-up emotions, can be an avoiding of and a substitute for an actual relationship.... We... must admit that there is a constant temptation avoid the lectionary and Word of God for private and pious devotions that have little power to actually change us or call our ego assumptions into question. The Word of God, however, confronts, converts and consoles us- in that order.
The suffering, injustice, and devastation on this planet are too great now to settle for any infantile gospel or any infantile Jesus.
'Jesus is Lord!' of all creation! .... It is to this adult and cosmic Christ that we are saying, "Come, Lord Jesus" (Rev. 22:20 ...
This makes our entire lives, and the life of the church, one huge 'advent.'..
Remember, Advent is always-until the end of days."
from Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr. ( Go, Franciscans! )