Monday, August 07, 2006

A nice back yard

I have a really nice back yard. The back wall is finally mostly covered with those Morning Glories that, up til this year, mostly adorned the trees and bushes of my neighbors. But this year, the beautiful lavendar trumpet-shaped flowers are profuse. My Jasmine is letting loose with it's fragrance to the left and the Honeysuckle that Sarah picked out is huge and beginning to travel the fence in front of the Hibiscus. Did I mention Hibiscus?
But really, I think, what makes it so beautiful are the trees. Two giant somethings, spreading around, my fig tree is proudly waving it's big, beautiful leaves and dipping it's arms down to give me fruit. And the Mulberry- with it's branches full and spreading out over the lawn. It did what we wanted it to do.
I need to have a backyard party.
Anybody want to come? The birds have come already. We even have some of our urban parrots coming to visit. They have already started the party.
And, of course, God is there. In my backyard garden.


Chris said...


Annie has a blog! That cements it. You are, in fact, the coolest Mom in the world.

Its been great to get caught up (a bit) with your girls, and to hear that they're doing well. I'll try to drop by every once in a while and see what you're up to.

Miss all of you guys!

sarah said...

I'll come, and maybe that comment by Chris means that he will come too!
Probably not, but maybe we can work on him.

Annie said...

Thanks for the coolest mom comment, but it was Sarah that set me up! She's the coolest daughter!
Good to hear from you, Chris!