Jan Johnson spoke at our all church meeting. She's amazing! YOu can find her online. Down to earth, funny, and one who just draws you closer to Jesus.
She spoke on Psalms 23.
She brought up a woman, sat her in a chair and used her as a visual of sitting in the presence of your enemy. She directed her (and us) to just think of someone: family, social, or work- that irks you, that you don't want to see, that gets your goad. That person (or persons) has just walked in and is looking at you. Then picture Jesus. Standing behind you, serving you,his hand on your shoulder, checking to see how you're doing, pouring your drink, pouring out His love, His favor, in front of this person. Letting them see how much He loves you. How much he provides, honors, cares for you. And keep drinking out of the cup that He keeps filling for you- in front of those enemies. And let that love, that acceptance, sink in, and permeate you. And eventually, allowing it to overflow and to love that enemy as well.
I love it. She uses little "breath prayers", Like, "Maybe the Lord really is my shepherd. Maybe I do have all I need." She said it's a great prayer to pray before going shopping.
And for when things are just plain going "wrong"
I got some prayer the next day. I was reminded by someone of something the Lord had taught me a few years back. That He is filling my cup, but that He doesn't stand outside of me. The image she got for me was one of a living well, deep within, and that I access that living water and let it well up to quench my thirst and to empower me to serve and share with others. I knew what He was saying. I believe that well is accessed by praise.
It's time to do battle against the negativity in my life with the sword of praise. Praise lifts heaviness. ushers in the presence of God and turns the Valleys of Baca(bitterness or weeping) into pools of life.
"Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, Who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs;
The autumn (latter) rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion." Psalm 84:4
Thanks to Bill Johnson (different Johnson) for that great lesson.
So there you have it.
"I believe that well is accessed by praise."
Awesome concept. I love it!
Thanks, Chris!
I'm glad someone is still reading my sporadic posts!
I found that concept to be , well, deep! (get it!)
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