We, as a people of God, sometimes make a faulty assumption. We decide that things are just what they are- and our call is to just accept them. But what does God ask us to do?
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then from heaven will I here, forgive them of their sins and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 3:14
To whom is this addressed? To God's people.
And what does He ask us to do? Humble selves, pray, seek Him, repent.
And if we do, then what could happen? He hears, He forgives, He heals.
Not just us- but our land.
Timothy 1:1 says, " Therefore I
exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made to all men; For Kings and all who are in authority, that we might live a quiet and
peaceable life in all goodness and reverence..."
Things look bleak right now in the economic area.
What is our response to be?
"..That Men ought always to pray and not to lose heart." Luke 18:1
In the last days Jesus tells us that
men's hearts will grow faint, weak, cold, and even fail.
People can lose heart. In many different ways.
It strikes me as odd that Jesus, as He taught about the last day signs- the wars,
desolations, famines, pestilences, etc,- that the response of many will be to hate each other, and the love of many will grow cold. (
Excerpts from Matthew 24)
It strikes me as odd because I would think that that would be the time when we'd really band together, love and help each other, and pray. But this doesn't seem to be an automatic response, not unless one has already developed that discipline.
I remembering reading that Jesus asked HIS disciples, will I find faith in the earth?
I had a good talk with my daughter the other day- hard, but good. She needed to let me know something, about her heart and the place, or non-place of politics in winning people to our loving God.
And I have been challenged by many to intercede for this very important election and time in our country's history
And I realized that I talk about, read, listen to, and worry about politics a whole lot more than I pray for it.
Is our response to our
country's crisis to pray; or do we criticize, resent, become offended at, and even hate the
political politician or activists with whom we disagree?
There's just no way out of this. We are commanded to pray for our enemies. We are told to pray for leaders, and to pray without ceasing.
And occupy. Let your light shine so that men might see your good works and glorify My Father..."
"Occupy until I come." Part of that is to occupy our places as citizens and vote. Part of it is to pray.
Jesus warned of perilous times. What will our response be to it all? Will He find faith on the earth?
I hope to say, "Yes, Lord. I'll answer your call, your command. Because you are good, and you do hear and you do move in the affairs of men when we invite you in. Because You can give us love when we have none, and restore hope in the midst of despair, and turn darkness into light." When we pray, He works!
Let Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on earth- in the USA, as it is in heaven.