Monday, June 16, 2008

Did I mention Central Air?

I am so cool on this warm summer evening. and it happened so fast. Now, I know I'm gonna pay, but I now know why people do! I got home hot and tired at about 6:00 pm and walked into a very stuffy 91 degree house. Flipped a little, tiny switch and took some fruit salad to my Dad's. Came back about 1/2 hour later, and , WHA-LA!
Comfy climate! What the hey?
Well, I admit, I did take a shower and get my hair wet, but you get the point! It's even hard to not feel guilty.
I sit and type, while one machine does my clothes, another does my dishes, and another cools me.
I just got Direct TV after a few years of only rabbit ears and the 5-10 channels it could afford me.
I listened to some great music through it, (Dad also gave me his old TV, bigger and with great sound) while I made the salad. I've only had a small CD player for a few years as well. ( I hate making decisions about what type to buy- and was in my car more than home anyway.)

Not only that, but I finally broke down and bought myself a coffemaker that will auto-brew in the morning before I get up! Had one of those years before, and when this one broke, I went for it again.

And, last, but not least- this I've had for awhile, but being back in this house reminds me of the days when we didn't- AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS! I forgot all the time we used to spend moving around the hose attached sprayer, and hand-held hosing the rough spots. It was never good enough.
OPULENCE, I TELL YOU ! How much of what I just listed are luxuries so many of us have and take for granted! We, in the USA are stinkin' rich.

OPULENCE is the word that comes to mind. Don't know if it's the right word, but feeling too OPULENTLY- LAZY to look it up! (Put THAT in your verbally-correct pipe and smoke it!!!)
Maybe I just moved from opulent to sassy!
But really, I do feel very, very BLESSED! I thank God for all that I have and for all who love and care about me so much!
And for my adorable, old-made-new home!


sarah said...

central air is sweet.

Paul Menard said...

I have been using central air too! It's so nice when you work hard all day and get to relax and come home to cool air! We are totally spoiled here in the US. I get tired of people complaining all the time about gas prices, food prices, and other stuff. So much better to be grateful for what we have than what we don't. "Contentment" it's called I believe. Love ya Cuz!

MomZup said...

Annie, Your old house made new sounds so wonderful. I am thankful for the parts and pieces that have fallen into place for you and praise God with you for all that is yours. Loved your post. Now I see where Miss Sarah got her sass! We love you Annie!