Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Saga of a Christmas Tea- I'm not Martha.....

So, I volunteered to host a table for our Church's annual Christmas tea a few weeks ago. I did it once before and have most of the stuff, I'm thinking. NO PROBLEM- IT'LL BE FUN!
Day before tea arrives- I've had no time to inventory what I had, the e-mailed list of stuff has grown, and neither my computer or the work's printer are working. Rush home Friday at 4:30 P., have to gather my stuff, go to scavenge at my mom's for other, and then to Church to be set up by 9:00 P.M.

I scribble out the list. I run out the door. I run back in for the list. I run out the door again

I run back around the house to get in again to get my keys.

Say Hi to Dad, give him a kiss, get lecture for over-commiting again.

Give mom a kiss and commence gathering missing items. A beautiful tablecloth was found!

Last years' candles are not gonna make the cut!

And with a loud crash- one broken candle holder less...
Not pictured was the beautiful tablecloth- rectangle shaped, didn't fit. 2 friends, seeing my exhaused frame, came to the rescue, pulling out the church's spare cloths!
Yeah, friends! I didn't cuss or cry, but very much felt like Ghetto-Martha when I realized that most other tables had CLOTH napkins with really cutesy napkin holders!

1 comment:

sarah said...

Congratulations!! It looks lovely! I like the blue and silver coloring...very nice!