Friday, November 25, 2011

Seeing as the title of my blog is Give Thanks Always, I feel remiss in having skipped so many Thanksgivings in my postings. Normally, I'd do a stint with guilt at this point, but that would DEFINITELY not be true to my title.
Instead, I want to give thanks that my life is so full, my family so big, that I've had the blessing of being surrounded by many of them and kept busy with them through most of my holidays!
For this I give thanks to the Lord!!
My kids are here, healthy, and grandkids are so ridiculously cute, that I again, give thanks to the Lord.
And though my daughter, Rosie, Justin, and my sweet blue-eyed grandkids aren't here, and I do miss them, I give thanks that I got to talk with Rosie, share my gravy-making ideas and hear her voice!
I am also thankful for all of you people who care about me and my life so much that you'd bother to read this. I really am! God's blessing to you all!
Lastly, I am so thankful that my family all pulled together to prepare a feast, and set the tables so well, trying to fill the void that GG has left, and for a dear sister-in-law, like a sister, and sisters with whom I could cry as we missed Mom. Thankful for the memories and spirit of love, respect, and forgiveness that she left us. Thankful for such a high mark to try to reach in terms of being a wonderful human being.
And thankful for her legacy of loving Jesus and living for Him. I love you, Mom!
Happy Thanksgiving, All!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Health Quote

Our staff development meeting included a video on health.
Quote from the speaker, "Never touch anything that comes out of someone else's body."
I love it!
Reminded me of the kid's song, "poop goes in the potty, poop goes in the potty, ..."

Oh, and then, "And never let anyone touch anything that comes out of your body."
I think this might beat out " An apple a day keeps the Doctor away."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Of Minor Issues...?

"Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated."
I believe it was Mark Twain.
To Mark I say, "I hear you barking, Big Dog!"
Don't know why, but I've resurrected the latter phrase from the recesses of my addled memory.
Why do I say this? Everyone is making a big deal out of the fact that my blood pressure is high, that I got vertigo, threw up the school, and had to go to the emergency.
YEA, because there was no doctor on call on a Monday morning at 9, nor would there be any until 11:00!!! And there is no Urgent Care available on my insurance until after 6 P.M.
So poor Holy Cross is not only taking everyone, with or without insurance, but also being used as an Urgent Care for much of the Valley. I could go on about how other hospitals here have closed their emergency rooms and the unfair politics, and why you should support your local Catholic, other Hospitals, but I will spare those of you who haven't already hung up.
It's my blog and I'll vent if I want to. vent if I want to, vent if I want to, you would vent to if it happened to you!" (any of you who didn't get it- the tune is from song in 60's- "It's my party..")
Anyway I got to know a couple of very nice people in "emergency" and even saw the dad and brother of an old childhood friend.
I remind me of my Mom now, when I'd worry about her wheezing and shortness of breath.
She's sluff it off, saying, "It's only breathing."
WHOA, better calm down, don't want the old ticker to get whacked out.
For those of you who are Everybody Loves Raymond fans, I'm switching Doctors, just so you know.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

I'm Okay!

When I called Marlene this morning to tell her I wasn't killed in the night, she laughed. Funny how news of one's survival can really cheer people up!
Then she told me that she figured that, because if I was gonna die I would've called to let her know.
Sisters really know us well, eh?
(If confused, see previous post)

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Weird call....

Just got a weird call that I think was gonna lead into obscene before I was able to knock it off it's tracks. What bothers me is that, thinking it was someone I knew, I'd already answered his question as to my being home alone. I'd had vertigo and was relating to his being sick. I'd thought that he was worried about me being home alone with dizziness. " Nice, thoughtful friend," I think. He then proceeds to start telling me about a dream he had with me in it. I'm starting to get very suspicious.
"Are you sure you're my friend, Juan, who is planning to be a priest?" I ask.
"Oh yes," answered wolf in Juan's clothing, or rather, bad voice. But after all, he did say he was getting over a cold and sore throat.....
When he got to the part about a short sundress, and asked how short I liked them, I then cut in with, "maybe you shouldn't tell me this dream, Juan. Maybe you should talk to some guys about it." Which is when his train track derailed- he hung up, with the phone making a couple weird noises. Which is when I suddenly realized that that wasn't Juan's voice at all, and became very spooked out!
Oh the depths of my naïveté! (Yes, I wanted to write that word, and so looked it up and it actually had the accent marks! But that's besides the point!)
I cannot for the life of me figure out how I, with 5 brothers who love to make up stories just to see if you'd fall for it, can be so darned gullible!!!!!!
In the end, I called Marlene and Tony, told them, and had Marlene pray for me. I locked up the house, turned on outside lights, and checked to see that I hadn't sent out my cell number with the invite to my house I'd sent via email to some 30 people.
Marlene did invite me to sleep there, but I opted for her keeping phone close so that, if, in the middle of the night I got attacked, I could call them.
So how's that for a change from Kinder stories?
Sleep safely, all! If you hear from me again, then I'm okay.........

Thursday, November 03, 2011

A no-brain-er

We have a time in our class when the children are asked to think, then share with a partner their thoughts on a subject. Today's was," what are some ways you can help at home or in your community?" Having already read the story which gave several examples, I knew most of them would steal from it. I'd also already talked about ways we help when we clean up, pick up toys, etc.
A no-brain-er, right?
One little angel surprised me with her sweetness when she says she helps her grandpa by packing a lunch and giving it to him before he goes to work. Too sweet, eh? Accompanied by a huge, dimple-bearing grin, you could feel the love she has for him.
But Andrew and his partner were silent.
When asked to share with his partner, Andrew quickly and in a very matter of fact tone, said, "I have no brain."
I know just how he feels!