Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Weird call....

Just got a weird call that I think was gonna lead into obscene before I was able to knock it off it's tracks. What bothers me is that, thinking it was someone I knew, I'd already answered his question as to my being home alone. I'd had vertigo and was relating to his being sick. I'd thought that he was worried about me being home alone with dizziness. " Nice, thoughtful friend," I think. He then proceeds to start telling me about a dream he had with me in it. I'm starting to get very suspicious.
"Are you sure you're my friend, Juan, who is planning to be a priest?" I ask.
"Oh yes," answered wolf in Juan's clothing, or rather, bad voice. But after all, he did say he was getting over a cold and sore throat.....
When he got to the part about a short sundress, and asked how short I liked them, I then cut in with, "maybe you shouldn't tell me this dream, Juan. Maybe you should talk to some guys about it." Which is when his train track derailed- he hung up, with the phone making a couple weird noises. Which is when I suddenly realized that that wasn't Juan's voice at all, and became very spooked out!
Oh the depths of my naïveté! (Yes, I wanted to write that word, and so looked it up and it actually had the accent marks! But that's besides the point!)
I cannot for the life of me figure out how I, with 5 brothers who love to make up stories just to see if you'd fall for it, can be so darned gullible!!!!!!
In the end, I called Marlene and Tony, told them, and had Marlene pray for me. I locked up the house, turned on outside lights, and checked to see that I hadn't sent out my cell number with the invite to my house I'd sent via email to some 30 people.
Marlene did invite me to sleep there, but I opted for her keeping phone close so that, if, in the middle of the night I got attacked, I could call them.
So how's that for a change from Kinder stories?
Sleep safely, all! If you hear from me again, then I'm okay.........

1 comment:

sarah said...

Mom, usually the people that kill you are people you know. By the way, we'll be at your house Wednesday and Thursday night.
