Monday, October 17, 2011

Lucy and Me

Okay, so she definitely has a different mouth, and other stuff, but don'cha think she looks a little like me. I found that I only call 2 of my grand kids "Little" at times. I didn't even know what I meant by it. The other one is Selah Paix.
Rosie said maybe it was a feeling that they are "Little" versions of me. I'm not sure, but I didn't even realize it 'til I said it when both girls were in the room and they both answered.
(Selah isn't pictured on this post in deference to parent's privacy concerns.)
I think I identify with aspects of both of their personalities, and they are my little sweetie-pies.
I know, this should really be on my other blog-site. When I find the password, okay?)
But really, doesn't Lucy look a bit like me?
I'm just sayin.....

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