Thursday, November 03, 2011

A no-brain-er

We have a time in our class when the children are asked to think, then share with a partner their thoughts on a subject. Today's was," what are some ways you can help at home or in your community?" Having already read the story which gave several examples, I knew most of them would steal from it. I'd also already talked about ways we help when we clean up, pick up toys, etc.
A no-brain-er, right?
One little angel surprised me with her sweetness when she says she helps her grandpa by packing a lunch and giving it to him before he goes to work. Too sweet, eh? Accompanied by a huge, dimple-bearing grin, you could feel the love she has for him.
But Andrew and his partner were silent.
When asked to share with his partner, Andrew quickly and in a very matter of fact tone, said, "I have no brain."
I know just how he feels!

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