Monday, November 26, 2012


I read this today and felt it belonged here:
"Gratitude keeps the path clear. Thankfulness alone for the saving Mercy of Jesus keeps our hearts free for His purposes in spite of all that sets itself above Him. Gratitude torpedoes every obstacle to Divine Mercy."   by Andy Cominsky
It's worth thinking about.  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Was Here.

      I'm doing something I rarely do.  I'm writing without knowing really what I'm going to say.  The last post burned on my heart and was written and re-written several times.  Some posts are inspirational thoughts that are born out of my times with God.  And others are things I've thought about, observed, appreciated.
       And then there's the ones that make me laugh and I just want to share the joke.
      Tonight I had a great time feeding a bunch of people. I love that.  The more people that came in, the happier I got.  I am so blessed to have amazing friends who give of their lives to let others know how much God loves them.  People who love to see others set free by the truths of the Good News of Christ's Words life.  And amazing, beautiful young ladies  and men, who come to sing and play instruments, leading us all in worship to this God of Love.
       I had one of my girls and family here for Thanksgiving. Sarah and Josh and the 4 kids. It was very fun and we cooked a lot.  I love them all so much.  I love my son-in-law for speaking some tough truth to me in a very kind way.   I am truly thankful for him.
       I'm grateful I have Umpie, my  Dad, here another year and that I got to help in making his special stuffing- the best ever in my book!
       And I'm grateful that I'll get to see my other daughter and kids for Christmas, even if it feels too far away.
       But it's a bittersweet joy I have.  I miss some.  Some on the other side now.  I have had a saying of late, it's really sort of a tongue-in-cheek type of thing. I will now quote myself for you, "The older I get the younger everybody around me is."   Yeah, no, really!~)
       You can see why I have to quote myself. Who else would, eh?
       But the other reality is that the older we get, the more loved ones we lose.
       So how do I give thanks in the midst of this pang of pain.  I can because of Him who died and rose, and  who IS the resurrection and the life.  Because I know that  whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life.  Because of the cross- buying for us a gift of forgiveness which  plunges us into a river of that Love- that never ending, always believing, ever flowing no-holds-barred Love.
      Because of Christ in me- the Hope of Glory I can be thankful, even in the midst of it.
     I love you, Lord!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

I'm Taking Courage

I am taking courage, knowing that to stand for heterosexual marriage is to be labeled, name called, and attacked.  The truth is that many who stand for marriage between a man and woman are indeed bigots and homo phobias.  As one who loves my gay family members and who has close friends who are or have come out of a gay lifestyle, I would like to preface this with the truth  that I am neither a bigot or homophobic.  
I am a teacher, a Child Development major, and a parent.  
I have  served as a small group leader for a group that brings Christ's restoration to the brokenness to people  who have suffered relationally and/ or sexually in the formation of their self-esteem and gender identity.
 And as such, my heart aches for the generation of hurting people from the lack, abandonment, or  abuse ( be it sexual, emotional or physical) from fathers and/or mothers. ( Although not the only factor, or the only sources of abuse, these tend to be the biggest and most painful for most.) 

I have experienced and seen God restore and heal individuals in  the deep places of pain due to  lacks in their relationships with both  Father and  Mother. But it is a deep, painful wound that takes much therapy, prayer, and support to find true freedom and peace. It also takes the power of the Cross and Christ's resurrection to bring life where parts of the personality have been so damaged or even killed. 

To say that children don't need  the good of a male as father and a female as mother is to deny the reality of the deep woundedness that either of these lacks creates. It is also to deny decades of scientific research and studies in Child Development in which the role of both the  Father and of the Mother at various stages of development helps the child to understand who he or she is as a male or female.
This field had been so thoroughly researched as to show the effects of both  the Mother and of the Father on the boy and of the girl at various stages of her/his development in relating to the same and to opposite gender parents establishing his/ her identity.
The fact that none of us had perfect parents doesn't mean we condemn a generation to a lack by denying that these needs exist!

I'm tired of the argument that says children are better off in a gay couple's home than in an abusive home. Indeed that  would  be the case. They are also better off in the Grandmother's home, without a man at all, than in an abusive home.  
That does not deny the reality that they suffer from the effects of the brokenness of their biological parents, or lack of a male or female parent in their formative years.

That is  throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Marriage as the establishment of the father and mother  is the foundational unit upon which what is needed for a child to have what they need to develop in their understanding of who they are in their gender, as persons and in their sense of esteem and belonging.  We can't change that just because so many have screwed it up without setting up a generation of children for even more brokenness and confusion than we have now.

There. I've said it.  Think of what's best for the kids.