Monday, October 17, 2011

Lucy and Me

Okay, so she definitely has a different mouth, and other stuff, but don'cha think she looks a little like me. I found that I only call 2 of my grand kids "Little" at times. I didn't even know what I meant by it. The other one is Selah Paix.
Rosie said maybe it was a feeling that they are "Little" versions of me. I'm not sure, but I didn't even realize it 'til I said it when both girls were in the room and they both answered.
(Selah isn't pictured on this post in deference to parent's privacy concerns.)
I think I identify with aspects of both of their personalities, and they are my little sweetie-pies.
I know, this should really be on my other blog-site. When I find the password, okay?)
But really, doesn't Lucy look a bit like me?
I'm just sayin.....

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Rainy Days and 5 year old arguments

So I got 6 new kids today in my Kinder class. 2 more criers. It was so bad that it overloaded the skies and burst the clouds. Which made several of them extremely happy, especially when we had to walk across campus through the rain.
On the way to lunch the line- because of it's excessive length, the fact that a couple of kids were "sneaking" into their lunches as we walked, and the stomper-into-the-puddlers, was moving at an extra slow crawl.
When I turned the corner around the 5th grade classroom, I caught Mr. Rhymer smiling as he overheard me shouting to the end of the line, "Walk normally, children." Which is when the irony of my comment hit me. What is a normal walk to a 5 year old?
I then noticed that one of my main puddle-stompers, Giovanni, was causing a traffic jam because his shoe was coming off. So I grabbed his little foot, feeling a bit like the blacksmiths of old must have felt when fixing a horse's shoe.
"This won't happen if you stop jumping in the puddles," I counseled.
"But I like puddles!" he innocently responds. I actually relate.
"I understand, but you can't do that in school. You can jump in them at your home." (I know some parents wouldn't appreciate that advice, and they're probably right, it just seemed like a good response at the time.)
Giovanni thinks, then counters with, "There aren't any puddles at my casa!"
Outwitted at my own game! No wonder they demoted me!