Sunday, May 15, 2011


Baby steps- I planted seeds, and found great deals at COSTCO for the avocado tree I've been wanting forever, and for an orange tree.
Figured with all the orange loving family members, and living in So. Cal, what the hey?
Just got back from my oldest brothers for a Fusano Gold Dig, or Odee weekend, whichever you chose to call it.
Crue and Betty, with help from my other brothers and others, did an awesome job in setting everything up, cooking, roasting a great pig. etc.
And the food was off the charts great, thanks to all the great Italian, and other cooks bringing, sending stuff. I'm afraid to list them, because I don't know the Italian spellings.
I was grateful to have Rosie, and to see Selah and Isai! Missed some others.
Hope somebody got pictures to post, as I didn't.
Thank God for family, for the comfort and understanding that only comes from a childhood shared, and Aunts, Uncles, Moms and Dads, Grandparents loved together.
Pray for Aunt Angie. And "Godda Bless!"

Saturday, May 07, 2011

New life

We're almost into the longest days of the year, and everything around me that's given a chance is growing.
I keep looking at the weed-infested pots that used to have herbs, plants or flowers in my back yard. I finally threw out a long, dead, ugly weed that I'd uprooted a couple of weeks ago and left.
Got the soil, the seeds, and even the flower food already. Do I have time to plant today?
Why am I sitting and looking at the old, dead stuff? Spring is here now, the season has changed.
Read these 2 quotes today:
"In this season, I can hear Jesus gentle rebuke for my all too human need for identification with sin and suffering. He wants me to partake of the fruit of His suffering, the joy of new life. Perhaps that is why St. Paul consistently reminds us that 'we too have been raised with Christ,' and as a result can and must 'set our hearts on the things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with God in Christ' (Col. 3: 1-3)

I pray for new eyes with which to see the fruit of His suffering. May we walk onto the new ground that Resurrection has won for us. "
Andrew Cominsky

'New life means that forces for life can now be seen within you, that something of God and Heaven, something holy can grow in you. It is no longer the sinful desires that have power, but Christ's resurrection, and His life, which leads you to wholeness. He has laid the foundation for a completely new life, a new order. In Him we can become completely different men and women in the very depths of our beings.' Christoph Blumhardt