Thanks to Rosie for teaching me how to make her amazing butternut squash soup! It was great and my company raved about it. (All except the couple that didn't eat it...)
But It was so good that John Klein, an avid cook, had to have the recipe! I had to have 3rds. I am so grateful.
And again I found myself surprised and blessed by just the right people showing up to worship, share, eat, hear the Word and pray.
Tonight Juan San Martin, a dear friend and amazingly talented musician, brought his cajon ( a wooden box which serves as a kind of drum. I pulled out my rainstick, castinets, and an array of exotic other instruments that Rosie or myself has bought in various places around the world. I handed them out and we made a joyful noise with poor Juan, the professional trying to lead us in some kind of rhythm. It was fun! The Word that John felt he was to give was about being faithful. He had a ton of scriptures on it, but we didn't get through them all because he had this great idea for prayer. He'd put various scriptures on pieces of paper and placed them in a box. then he had the men draw one first, give it to a woman, and the women each took a man to pray that scripture into their lives. Then the women got one and the men prayed for them.
Mine was "And let us not be weary in well doing : for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.' Gal. 6:9
Last week's sermon, and before the sermon, the scripture that hit me was in Phil. 1. "He who began a good work wiill be faithful to complete it!
God is good!