I'm gonna have to change the names in this post to protect the diseased as well as the fakers.
Last week Brent was walking next to me and looked upset.
"What's wrong, Brent, don't you feel good?" I ask.
Brent then grabs his stomach and sort of doubles over. Is he faking, did I ask a leading question, or what?
But then he went into crying. Now Brent has really only broken down and cried about 4 times in the last year, which is almost stoic for the average 5 year old. So I start to believe him. By the time we get in the room, he's doubling over, I have him over the wastebasket, just in case. ( I know, not the most nurturing thing- but you try keeping 23 others out of the barf when it spews, ok?)
And I send him with a note to the office, telling of how he's suffered.1 hour later, Drent is back in my room, good as gold.
Monday, similar thing happens with Natalie, only this time I didn't ask first. When she said she had to throw up, I set her near the trash can and began to write another note. Only this one got better right before recess. Aha- I think, "when recess makes them better, forgetaboutit!!"
( Italian for forget about it )!
Then, next day, another child was out, then came back- said she'd thrown up.
Would've ignored it all and chalked it up to nerves, except that, in the middle of my doing some classwork, I suddenly felt cramped up with pain. Hurt like H... , then, after about a half hour, was gone. Came back that afternoon. Next day fine, then hit again. By yesterday afternoon, all I wanted was for my stomach to stop hurting and go to bed.
I 'm stretched in thinking how this fits with giving thanks always. Well, the other Kindergarten teacher, when I told her about it said, "You are lucky. I threw up for 2 days last week." There's one blessing. And I gotta say, I do give thanks that I was kind and appropriate to Brent,( I did ask him to barf in the trash can nicely) even if the office does now think I'm a sucker!