I got this little bottle of vervain, which is one of those Holistic remedies they have for just about anything that ails ya. This one is for naturally occurring nervous tension. It's supposed to "help you relax when you are over enthusiastic or strongly driven." Worth a try, I thought a few years ago when I purchased it.
But here's the rub. The directions say, "Take 2 drops in water and sip at intervals... take a minimum of 4 drops 4 times a day." First of all, I don't sip water. I guzzle it. Mostly because if I wanted to sip something, it would be hot and tasty, like coffee. Not water. Water is to hydrate. And water only satisfies me when it's really flowing into my dry, parched mouth and throat. It's functional, not tea-time stuff.
Maybe the truth is, I am too over enthusiastic and strongly driven to sip a glass of water 16 times a day!
Well, today my Vervain-ian dilemma ended when I over enthusiastically grabbed something off the shelf and knocked said calming potion down, causing the calming fluids to flow all over my floor.
And the bottle was good til Dec. 2014! I had another 2 years before I had to throw it away.
Oh, Vervain, you were all in vain!!!