Andy Cominsky said this about those who want to throw out moral values in the name of love:
Holy love is transformational; God inspires the sinner to fulfill the moral law by persuading him/her that His love is better than one's old life. Jesus manifested that love in the vast amounts of energy He spent drawing the immoral to Himself. He offered Himself as the target for their turning; in His very being, He fulfilled the Law and the deep longing of wayward hearts.
Robert Gagnon says it best in his masterpiece The Bible and Homosexual Practice: 'Jesus balanced the Father's ethical demands with God's self-sacrificing outreach to transform sinners - His ministry proves that the Church can practice radical love without sacrificing God's demand for righteous conduct.'
Okay, so there's a quote within a quote there. You get 2 for the price of one. But I find both to be priceless.