It's late and I miss my camera,now that I finally figured out how to post pictures, but I'm doing this one for Pink!
Pink!! One of my favorite cousins, who, like a sister, is just as comfortable to talk to after years as she was when we were kids, talking everyday. Oh, I had another memory- but everyone's not in the room!
The Fusano girls weekend was great!
How great was it? If you measured it in food, I gained 41/2 pounds! (Well, okay, maybe it's from the last 2 weeks, but that's only because I probably cr----ed out about 10 pounds in the bathroom each day to make room for more food) Whoa- it's true, just thinking about you guys and I revert to talking like that. Sorry to all my refined friends, but it was the FUSANO girl's weekend!
I really wish I had a picture of it right now. But Pink- Good ole' Pink, has promised to send me some. Then I'll post more.
In the meantime, you can see my cousing Linda "Loody" at, say it with me, guys...
My cousin Linda, who is not only gorgeous and fun, but knows how to teach flower arrangements, did the most fun demo there,
Which leads me to the question I've been pondering since the weekend? Where, why, and how did so many of our family members get their nick-names? And how clueless am I? When did Linda get Loody? I think I was told that this weekend, but I'm not sure.
We seemed to have solved the Clipper mystery, although there still remains some question regarding a sort of strange chicken dance. Which raises another question: How many different stories can we get for the origin of one name? And how many guys do we need to ask?
How did Pink get Pink? Some names are tracable- unless somebody just made up a good enough reason for it to fit, and everybody just went with that. "Oh, yeah, she had pink cheeks when she was born. Yea, that must've been it, Yeah that's right." In reality she may have said the word when she was 2 years old asking for a pink crayon, and somebody parroted her. Or maybe she wore pink 3 days in a row.
Some are due to someones initial mispronounciation, others to how beautifully they can tell a story, like poetry, or art. Others out of butt-cracks showing, or mistakes made. My daughter's best friend Lisa has about 5 of them, some just given to add to the confusion.
I think I know Lem's, originally, Lemon, but there might be other versions out there.
But as for me, I think, lovingly now of my cousin Linda, saying,"wwwdot.." and waiting for our cry- And, I don't know,, it just makes me want to call her, "www"