Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's Sunday

Words to Easter Song:
"Here the bells ringing; they're singing that we can be born again;
Hear the bells ringing, they're singing Christ has risen from the dead;
The angels up on the tombstone said Jesus Christ is no longer dead;
Quickly now, go tell his disciples that He has risen just as He said,
Joy to the world, He has risen, Hallelujah, He's risen, Hallelujah;
He's risen, Hallelujah."
Got a new sympathy card last night.
On it was this:
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23 :6
Even now as I write what so comforted me this morning, the singing that made me feel the joy of my mom's resurrection, I watch the Passion.
Death and resurrection, mourning and joy, loss and gain.
The scripture God gave us for mom, before her passing, "To live is Christ, but to die is gain."
His blood given for me, for you, for all, that sins may be forgiven. The salt that would sting the wounds fills the tears we shed. I shed.
But if ever those words were true, they are surely true of my mom. Goodness and mercy did follow her, do follow her, all the days of her life!
And she now dwells in the house of the Lord forever.
And Jesus cries,"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."
And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come."
Come to the cross, that you might know the resurrection.


Chris said...

This post made my morning. Amen!

It also reminded me of this video:

Pink said...

I have to say, I LOVE this photo of your mom. It looks like she is looking to God in the heavens. Like she was listening to his plan, and was happy about it. It is beautiful, as was she. I will miss her.

Annie said...

Thanks both of you.
The picture was taken just this past February when we went to Monterey. She always loved sunrises and sunsets. I love her hand over her heart as she watched.
Lem said he'd call her from the store every so often to wake her up for a good sunset. Awhile later she'd call back and thank him.