Thursday, January 22, 2009

22 days of success!

That's right. Day 22 of new year. Have only touched fat free water. My resolve holds strong!
On a heavier note, I am doing well on my exercise resolve, as I am trying to get into shape for mountain biking. Been really pushing it at the gym. But when I went for a bike ride in Oxnard, the (paved) incline over the bridge nearly did me in. Maybe street biking will do...
On a spiritual note, the message I keep getting is about dusting off your old dreams, finding your visions, the words in scripture that've inspired your heart.
This morning I read in Genesis where Isaac went back to the land his father had lived. He kept having to re-dig the wells, as the enemy had stopped them up. Sometimes he'd uncover one, but the residents would quarrel over it, so he had to move on. Finally, he uncovered one and named it 'Spaciousness", for now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be faithful in the land." And then another, on the day he made peace with a covenant between the king of the land and himself. That one he named Shebah. Well of the Seven.
And I realized that it was the same message again. Some old dreams that things seemed to have caved in on. And a very dry place where I am thirsty for more.
And I felt it was time to re-dig old wellsprings of life. Maybe in the natural, that's what the getting into shape is about, the wellspring of joy for me in physical activity.
And some old wells just aren't gonna work. I don't know if I can ski again. But I can dance. And some will bring me into spaciousness. Worship is one. It opens up the heavens and brings with it an abundance of joy. That's good water!
Another is prayer. The knowledge that I have a responsibility to intercede for our nation in this difficult time, but also the abundance of promises regarding His answering of our prayers.
That's all I have to say about that!


Chris said...


I'm glad you're still blogging from time to time. What a blessing to hear your mind on these things!

Annie said...

Thanks, Chris! It's a blessing to have you reading it!

sarah said...

I wonder where you are planning on dancing? At church? Or are you going to go out and hit da clubs, yo?

(and maybe I'll come!) said...

I have been so inspired by your success I have now have the faith to believe I too can commit to fat free water. & you know what? I AM succeeding. YES WE CAN! said...


Annie said...

Go Marlene,
Don't give up- you can do it!