Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Having recently found out that I retain some viewers even after my neglect, I'm gonna try to post more.
I had some family over for beef stew last night. I a great time with cousins Odee and John, my Mom and Dad, Marlene and Tony, and Davey Perito. It is a sort of resolve that I have, to entertain more this year. (I love how G.G. calls my nephew David- I'm always asking, who? She also insists on calling her own son, Lem by his name, David.
By the way, Happy Birthday, Jimmy!(We recently found out that Lem would've been named James David instead of David James if he hadn't have been born on Christmas. Hence, Jimmy!!!
I really wanted to be more inspirational, but I've been running in many different directions, and am in a different mood.
Anyway, our pastor challenged us to find out what our vision, what God's vision for our lives are, instead of these resolutions we can't fulfill. While I'm definitely in agreement with that, I did find a great resolution, that I KNOW I can keep.

It was on a water bottle I bought at the movies. On the label it said, " Fat Free Water." So. This year I am going to drink only fat free water!
I like success!
Any good resolutions out there?

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