Wednesday, March 14, 2012

With Greater Responsibility comes Greater Privilege

In talking about my grand kids, and kids in general, I recently told someone, "With greater responsibility should come greater privilege."
They asked, "Do you really believe that?"
I said yes, but then really began to evaluate why I said it, and if I did believe it.

These are some of my thoughts:.

First of all, in saying this I was actually referring to kids, and the greater responsibility put on older ones at times. So, for example, if big brother has to be responsible for little ones and their safety outside or their jobs inside, a privilege might be that big brother gets to stay up later, or do something that the little ones can't. It evens out in the end, as when the little one is their age, they then get to stay up later. If the kid is saddled with more responsibility and no privilege, they can give up.

Also, in behavior modification, ( part of my Child Development training)
they teach that in the beginning rewards need to be small and immediate, like training a dog. (Yes kids and dogs have much in common.) But to really be effective, it has to move from constant to random (only sometimes), and from concrete (candy, sticker) to abstract ( praise, encouragement) until it is finally intrinsic. ( I do it because it is right and good. The reward is peace with myself and my God, and satisfaction over my own behavior.)

Most of us adults go to our jobs for the extrinsic- money. And for the extrinsic, but very taken for granted privilege of putting food on the table, having hot water, and home, a car, etc.
Raising kids is a huge responsibility, but having that blessing- that of having a son or daughter- is also one of the greatest privileges in life!
(Another gift we can so easily take for granted, and one to which many who can't have kids can attest.)

But then, becoming an adult means that we now do the right thing, not for praise, but because of the intrinsic reward of being a good and right person.

And finally, to do for others, as Jesus calls,"If you want to be great, you must serve."

I think that this is actually the highest privilege, as it is the highest form of Love.
"No greater love has a man than this, that he lay down his life for another."

When Jesus called Peter, He told him," When you were young, you went where you wanted, but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you.."
This he spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. John 21:18-19

While I'm grateful that Jesus didn't speak that to me, am I mature enough to see self- sacrifice as the greatest privilege, and a means to glorify God?

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.....And now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor. 13:12


Anonymous said...

High quality. Keep it comin'

Annie said...
