Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm going for a week to see my new baby, Galilee Light! I love Rosie & Justin's pick of names!
I'm actually pretty lucky, as a grandma with no say on names, to have 7 grandkids with pretty cool names. Names have meaning, and I pray and prayed for the right names to be given.
I think my kids and kids-in-law did a great job of listening to God's heartbeat for their kid's names.
I admit it, I'm so, totally rambling! Valley girl that I am.
Gotta pack, have a good one, all!
Oh, the great names: Bowden David, Lucy Gates, Selah Paix, John Fox (alias Jack), Miles Bradley, Isai Leal, and last, but far from least: Galilee Light!!!!!
(I'm withholding the last names, which really add such character to the first, to provide what little shreds of privacy from the vast Internet world that still might exist.)

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