Sunday, December 09, 2007

A potty story

My grandson, Bowden, was on the toilet, and called to me to come. I assumed it was for help with wiping, as he's not yet mastered that one.
But,no. He was bent over on the toilet, pretty much in a jackknife dive position. On the floor beneath him was a book. I came in and said, "Yes, Bowden." He calmly stated, "I like to read while going poop!"
Well, since the book was closed, out of reach, and reading to him usually means being read to; AND since his announcement tickled me so.....
Well, what would any good Grandma do?
"Would you like me to read this book to you, Bowden?'"
And so I sat, on the bathroom floor, because don't you know, I like to read while going poop, too.
And my grandson's poop doesn't stink to me!!!


sharon said...


sarah said...

gross, and grosser. amen, sister.

Annie said...

Ya probably gotta be a Granny to understand.
At least I got a couple comments.:,)

lisa d said...


Annie said...

As if you people don't like reading while going poop yourselves!

Paul Menard said...

He's gonna be a multi-tasker I tell you!!! LOL!!